
Healthy food is good for our body and soul. We should all be able to enjoy a healthy life. Occasionally, you’ll want to enjoy something tasty, but usually,  healthy food is not as good as you would expect. Flavour enhancers, high levels of salt and sugar, preservatives and food colouring are often added to your food. 

By using only fresh, quality food with pure ingredients, VA Foods has been able to exclude many flavour enhancers, preservatives and colouring agents. As a result, you can experience the true taste of our products! 

How to snack with confidence or enjoy a healthy sandwich? 

You’re not taking any risks when choosing VA Foods: One by one, our products meet the internationally recognized VITAL-2 standard. Our products are gluten-free, lactose-free, peanut-free, nut-free and free of other common allergens. This allows anyone to enjoy food, regardless of allergies or intolerances, so we can all enjoy a tasty croquette. 

VA Foods believes that eating is a social affair. Eating together and enjoying our food is much easier with our products; this is one of the only ways to ensure your food is allergen-free. VA Foods helps you to confidently enjoy a hamburger, hotdog, puff pastry, ragout/ vol au vent or even some bread products. Choose deliberately delicious. Choose VA Foods!

Did you know?

The Maxicado is also very tasty on a sandwich


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VA Foods- Allergeenvrije Snacks

The snacks of VA Foods have no risk: One by one they meet the internationally recognized VITAL – 2 standard. So you are sure that the food is good, so you can enjoy a croquette, noodle-disk or croquette without having to worry about what you eat.

Afbeelding Ragout

The word “ragout” is derived from the French word “ragoûter” which literally means ‘to improve the taste’. This fits perfectly with the vision of VA Foods: Making safe ragout with a better taste. So we make of ragout/ vol au vent a product that everyone can enjoy.

VA Foods- glutenvrij Brood Baguettes

Avoiding bread is no longer necessary, because the products VA Foods are safe and are packed with fibres, vitamins and minerals. That’s how bread should be: a tasty base-product for everyone.